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== OpenShift Service Account for Avi Authentication ==
== OpenShift Service Account for Avi Authentication ==

Create a Service Account for Avi
Create a Service Account for Avi:

nano sa.json
Step 1. Service Account Definition of Avi Service Account (sa.json)

"apiVersion": "v1",
"apiVersion": "v1",
"kind": "ServiceAccount",
"kind": "ServiceAccount",
"metadata": {
"metadata": {
"name": "avi"
"name": "avi"

oc create -f sa.json
Step 2. Create a Service Account

Use the OpenShift client using the above definition sa.json file.

>oc create -f sa.json

= Using Ansible =
= Using Ansible =

Revision as of 12:31, 29 August 2018

Kubernetes Integration

Source: avinetworks.com

Create a Service Account

kubectl create serviceaccount avi -n default

Create a Cluster Role for deploying Avi Service Engines as a pod:

nano clusterrole.json 
    "apiVersion": "rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1beta1",
    "kind": "ClusterRole",
    "metadata": {
        "name": "avirole"
    "rules": [
            "apiGroups": [
            "resources": [
            "verbs": [
            "apiGroups": [
            "resources": [
            "verbs": [
            "apiGroups": [
            "resources": [
            "verbs": [
            "apiGroups": [
            "resources": [
            "verbs": [
kubectl create -f clusterrole.json

Create Cluster Role Binding nano clusterbinding.json

    "apiVersion": "rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1beta1",
    "kind": "ClusterRoleBinding",
    "metadata": {
      "name": "avirolebinding",
      "namespace": "default"
    "roleRef": {
        "apiGroup": "rbac.authorization.k8s.io",
        "kind": "ClusterRole",
        "name": "avirole"
    "subjects": [
            "kind": "ServiceAccount",
            "name": "avi",
            "namespace": "default"
kubectl create -f clusterbinding.json

Extract the Token for Use in Avi Cloud Configuration

kubectl describe serviceaccount avi -n default
kubectl describe secret avi-token-esdf0 -n default

On AVI Controller

Enter the Master IP address & Token in AVI Portal:



Goto Tenant Default, Check VS status

Either Disable Kube-Proxy(which is default LB in Kubernetes) or Give it a different IP than East_West Subnet.


Replace kube-proxy with Avi

  • If kube-proxy is enabled, it uses the service subnet (default is to allocate east-west VIPs to services.
  • In this case, east-west VIPs handled by Vantage have to be configured to use other subnets.
  • Kube-proxy will be running, but unused, since services use Avi-allocated VIPs for east-west traffic, instead of OpenShift-allocated VIPs from the service network.
  • If a user wishes to use the service subnet to load balance traffic using Avi, kube-proxy must be disabled.
  • This mode offers operational advantages, since OpenShift’s API and CLI are in sync with the VIP used for the service.
  • That is to say, if someone does a “oc get service,” the VIPs shown in the output are the same VIPs on which Avi provides the service.
Disable kube-proxy

1) OpenShift Master node delete all user-created services:

oc delete all --all

2) To disable kube-proxy, perform the below steps on all nodes (Masters and Slaves):

  • Edit /etc/sysconfig/origin-node and change the OPTIONS variable to read as below:
OPTIONS="--loglevel=2 --disable proxy"
  • Save and exit the editor.
  • Restart the origin-node service:
systemctl restart origin-node.service
Configuration changes on Avi

1) Configure the east-west VIP network to use the service network (default

2) In the cloud configuration, select the Use Cluster IP of service as VIP for East-West checkbox.

Configuring the Network

Configure a subnet and IP address pool for intra-cluster/east-west traffic and a subnet and IP address pool for external/north-south traffic.

OpenShift Service Account for Avi Authentication

Create a Service Account for Avi:

nano sa.json
  "apiVersion": "v1",
  "kind": "ServiceAccount",
  "metadata": {
    "name": "avi"
oc create -f sa.json

Using Ansible

mkdir ~/virtualenv
mkdir avisdk
mkdir bin
cd ~/virtualenv/
cd avisdk/
pip install setuptools
export LC_ALL=C
virtualenv ~/virtualenv/avisdk/
pip install avisdk
cd bin
. activate
pip install avisdk==17.2.7b2
pip install avisdk
pip freeze
cd ~/virtualenv/avisdk/
cd bin
source activate
pip install ansible
cp /tmp/for_ansible_training.yml ~
nano ~/for_ansible_training.yml 
ansible-playbook ~/for_ansible_training.yml 
ansible-playbook ~/for_ansible_training.yml -vvvvv
ansible-galaxy -f install avinetworks.avisdk
la ~/.ansible/roles/avinetworks.avisdk/library/
ansible-playbook ~/for_ansible_training.yml

Ansible Playbook to Deploy VS

nano avi-deploy.yml
- hosts: localhost
  connection: local
    - role: avinetworks.avisdk
    - name: Create a Pool
        username: admin
        password: Admin@123
        name: test_aman
        description: test
        state: present
          - '/api/healthmonitor?name=System-HTTP'
          - ip:
              type: V4

    - name: Create a VS
        username: admin
        password: Admin@123
        name: testvs_aman
        description: testvs
        state: present
        api_version: 17.2.7
        pool_ref: "/api/pool?name=test_aman"
          - ip_address:
              addr: ''
              type: 'V4'
          - port: 80

Available Roles:

ls /etc/ansible/roles/avinetworks.avisdk/library/


ansible-playbook -v avi-deploy.yml --step


nano pool_vs.py 
import argparse
from avi.sdk.avi_api import ApiSession
from requests import urllib3


parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="AVISDK based Script to attach a Datascript to all the VS(s)")
parser.add_argument("-u", "--username", required=True, help="Login username")
parser.add_argument("-p", "--password", required=True, help="Login password")
parser.add_argument("-c", "--controller", required=True, help="Controller IP address")
parser.add_argument("-t", "--tenant", required=True, help="Tenant Name")
parser.add_argument("-vs", "--virtualservice", required=True, help="Controller IP address")
parser.add_argument("-v", "--vip", required=True, help="Controller IP address")
parser.add_argument("-po", "--pool", required=True, help="Controller IP address")
args = parser.parse_args()

user = args.username
password = args.password
controller = args.controller
tenant = args.tenant
pool = args.pool
vs = args.virtualservice
vip = args.vip

#Get Api Session
api = ApiSession.get_session(controller,user,password,tenant=tenant, api_version="17.2.7")

pool_Already = False

resp = api.get_object_by_name('pool', pool)

if resp == None:
    #Create Pool_obj to pass in POST request
    pool_obj = {'name': pool, 'servers': [ { 'ip' : { 'addr': '', 'type': 'V4' }}]}
    #Post Pool_OBJ
    resp = api.post('pool', data=pool_obj)
    print resp.json()

#Getting the Refernce for the Pool
pool_obj = api.get_object_by_name('pool', pool)
pool_ref = api.get_obj_ref(pool_obj)

services_obj = [{'port': 80, 'enable_ssl': False}]

#Creating VS OBJ
vs_obj = {'name': vs, 'vip' : [ {'ip_address': {'addr': vip, 'type': 'V4'}}], 'services': services_obj, 'pool_ref': pool_ref}

#Posting VS OBJ
resp = api.post('virtualservice', data=vs_obj)

print resp.json()
python pool_vs.py -u admin -p Admin@123 -c -t admin -vs test_aman -v -po test_pool_aman


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