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LiveCD ISO (3.0 beta 2
Hard Disk: 4GB
RAM: 384MB
CPU: 1
3 interfaces:
1 for mgmt
2 for traffic

boot it
terminal with some IP address information in a table and a WANemControl@PERC>
you will be dropped into a Linux root prompt.
Run the 0wn command,

Click "Accept and Continue" twice to the warnings (these are to stop you destroying an actual pre-existing disk, since this is a dedicated VM we are OK)
Leave "auto" selected for partitioning, click "OK"
Click "Yes" when prompted to start automatic partitioning (it will do 1GB of swap, 3GB for the root filesystem)
Click "Yes" when prompted to use all of /dev/sda
You will get "Automatic partitioning failed", but it actually succeeds (I believe this is because it gets auto-mounted)
Leave /dev/sda2 selected and click "OK" when prompted to select a partition

0wn will now copy files to the disk (this will take a while).

Click "OK" when prompted to install Grub
Leave "mbr" selected and click "OK", then "Yes" to confirm
Click "OK" to the success message
Click "Yes" to reboot the machine (for this one I'll post a screen shot), then hit return to reboot
The VM will reboot, then you will see Grub, and a pretty normal boot process, and once again end up back with a WANemControl@PERC> prompt but no GUI or desktop. You now have a permanent VM! You can work from the shell, or you can issue a startx command

== Tiny Core Linux ==
== Tiny Core Linux ==

Revision as of 00:52, 23 August 2016

Most of the following How-tos use one of the following tools:


The following Firewalls can be virtualized:

Cisco ASA

Files Required:

Cisco asdm-647.bin
3CDaemon TFTP Server

Edit -> Preferences -> Qemu and click the ASA tab


Qemu Options:

-vnc none -vga none -m 1024 -icount auto -hdachs 980,16,32

Kernel cmd line:

-append ide_generic.probe_mask=0×01 ide_core.chs=0.0:980,16,32 auto nousb console=ttyS0,9600 bigphysarea=65536

To run two ASAs, change the Qemu options on the second firewall as below Qemu Options:

-vnc :2 none -vga none -m 1024 -icount auto -hdachs 980,16,32
activation-key 0x4a3ec071 0x0d86fbf6 0x7cb1bc48 0x8b48b8b0 0xf317c0b5
activation-key 0xb23bcf4a 0x1c713b4f 0x7d53bcbc 0xc4f8d09c 0x0e24c6b6

Add a loopback adapter

Run Commands:

config t
int gi 0
ip address
nameif management
no shut
copy tftp:// flash
config t
asdm image flash:asdm-711.bin
http server enable
http management
username aman password cisco privilege 15
wr mem

ASDM Java Error:

Add source network in Exceptions in Java Console

Cisco PIX

  • Install GNS3.
  • Download PIX image from here.
  • Navigate in GNS3 to Edit > Prefrences > Qemu > PIX.
  • Enter the information for the Key and Serial number
  • Point the binary file to the pix image.
  • Set Identifier Name as PIX.
  • Now drag and drop Cisco PIX Firewall into canvas and configure it.

Juniper SRX

You can virtualize SRX 12.1X46-D10.2 firewall as follows:

Using VMPlayer

  • Download Firefly VMware Appliance from
  • Install VMware Player.
  • Import the VM into VMware player.
  • Allocate 2 CPUs.
  • Set the RAM as at least 1024 MB.
  • Check the Network interfaces and config.
  • Start the VM and proceed with quick start wizard.

Using VirtualBox


  • Download Firefly OVA file from
  • Extract contents of OVA file using 7-zip
  • Convert the vmdk virtual drive to vdi:
"c:\Program Files\Oracle\VirtualBox\VBoxManage.exe" clonehd -format VDI junos-vsrx-12.1X46-D25.7-domestic-disk1.vmdk junos-vsrx-12.1X46-D25.7-domestic-disk1.vdi
  • Create VM in VirtualBox:
       Name: base-vSRX
       Type: Linux
       Version: Other Linux (32bit)
       Memory: 1024MB
       CPU: 2  (very important as 1 CPU will not load Gig interfaces)
       Enable PAE/NX
       Enable I/O APIC
       Enable VT-x/AMD-v
       Enable Nested Paging
   Hard Drive: IDE Primary master
       Use an existing virtual hard Drive file (Choose junos-vsrx-12.1X46-D25.7-domestic-disk1.vdi)
   Network: (You can choose if you want each interface to be NAT, BIND, LocalHost, etc.)
       Enable all 4 adapters and set the ‘Adapter Type’ to ‘Paravirtualized Network (virt-io net)’
   Serial Ports:
       Enable Serial Port 1
       Port Number: COM1
       Port Mode: Disconnected
  • Boot up the VM. The default login is ‘root’ with no password.

Using GNS3 and Qemu to Cluster

Source: &


GNS3: 1.2.3
Qemu: 2.1.0 i386w
Firefly: 12.1X46-D10.2
  • Download Firefly OVA file from
  • Extract contents of OVA file using 7-zip.
  • In GNS3 go to Preferences > Qemu and set path to qemu to the latest version.
  • Use qemu-system-x86_64 on 64-bit System or qemu-system-x86 on 32-bit System.
  • Make a new JunOS guest:
Select Binary image as the VMDK file
RAM: 1024
NIC: 10
NIC Type: e1000
Qemu options:  -smp 2 -device vmxnet3
Use KVM if supported
  • Save the Qemu VM.
  • Drag and drop the same image in GNS3 Canvas 2 times to generate two vSRX devices with different MAC addresses.
  • Add Switches as per requirement.
  • Connect the cables as per Juniper Guide lines.
  • Continue with HA config as per


This section will help setup a fully operational Checkpoint firewall in a Virtual machine for 15 days for you to evaluate.

  • Install VirtualBox.
  • Download Check_Point_R75.Splat.iso from
  • Create a new VM.
  • Boot the VM using the above ISO file.
  • Follow the on screen installation instructions.
  • Install Security Gateway, Security Management, SmartEvent and SmartReporter Suite, Management Portal products.
  • Reboot the VM and access the WebUI from the IP address provided during installation.
  • Download the Checkpoint management software and install it in windows host.

Endian Firewall

Endian Firewall Community Edition is an open source firewall which can be installed on any PC or VM. It is one of the best firewalls' for freshers/newbies to start learning Security/Firewall basic and understand the concepts like Zone, VPN, DHCP, Webfiltering, etc.

  1. Download the community edition of Endian Firewall from
  2. Install VirtualBox and create a new VM.
  3. Mount the ISO file as a CDROM in VM.
  4. Boot the VM from this ISO.
  5. Install the EFW with the installation wizard.

{{#ev:youtube|NP23-BRKUk0|300|auto|Install Virtualbox and Endian Firewall}} {{#ev:youtube|zmuKpkavhNA|300|auto|EFW Install Configuration Dialogue}}


Two common IPS systems are virtualized as follows:

Cisco IPS

        This section needs verification or testing!

Cisco IPS 4235 ver 6.0:

  • Download the IPS v6.0 Disk image (disk1 and disk2) and extract them.
  • Download JRE6update7.
  • In GNS3, go to Edit> Preferences> Qemu> IDS and configure the following:
 Browse the Disk 1 & Disk 2 locations.
 RAM : 1024 MB
 NIC Model: e1000
 Qemu Options : -smbios type=1,product=IDS-4235
 Press Save then OK
  • Start the VM. Now use the IDS with the following credentials:
username: cisco
password: ciscoips4215 
  • To manage through IME download Cisco IPS Manager Express (IME) 7.1.1


Please refer the dedicated Snort page.


Other platforms that can be virtualized are as follows:

Slax Router

  • Download the latest ISO file from
  • Create a VM with ~350MB RAM.
  • Add more Virtual network interfaces.
  • Boot the VM with the ISO file.
  • Login into the console using root:toor credentials.
  • Now enter command "slaxrouter-install" to begin HDD install.
  • Select the partition.
  • Define Swap memory if required.
Preparing Webmin
  • Edit /etc/webmin/miniserv.conf to disable ssl or to change port.
  • Restart webmin service.
Interface config
  • Run the following command to edit rc.local file
vim /etc/rc.d/rc.local
  • Paste the following lines there using VIM (v to select, y to copy, p to paste)
# if eth0 interface exist
if [ `ls /sys/class/net | grep eth0` = "eth0" ]; then
   ifconfig eth0 netmask
   route add default gw
   ifconfig eth1 netmask
   ifconfig eth2 netmask

Juniper NSM

        Performance of NSM is extremely low in a Virtual Machine. It is very slow to boot.

Source: Packetfail

To Install Juniper NSM 2012.2R9 in Virtualbox, you need following:

1. Create a VM in Virtualbox with at least 2.5GB free RAM & 25GB HDD space.

2. Download the following files:


3. Install CentOS in the VM by mounting above ISO file. On the customize selection page, ensure everything but ‘base’ is unchecked. Reboot after installation:

sudo reboot

4. Disable iptables

/etc/init.d/iptables stop
chkconfig –level 12345 iptables off
chkconfig –level 12345 ip6tables off

5. Update the system to appear to be RHEL5

vi /etc/redhat-release

Delete everything & paste:

"Redhat Enterprise Linux Server release 5″

6. Disable selinux:

vi /etc/selinux/config
Set SELINUX=permissive

7. Move the two NSM related files to VM. Unzip the systemupdate file and remove the archive for ES5, and extract the archive for ES6:

yum install gnupg rsync xorg-x11-font-utils vim http
sh /var/tmp/es5/

8. Unzip the NSM installer and there will be a very large .sh script

sh /var/tmp/ -niAPPLIANCE=n

9. Note all the password. Set the super user's password also as it will be required for Client login. In case the password is not known/set, Stop all services and run the following command to set the password as "netscreen":

/usr/netscreen/GuiSvr/utils/ /usr/netscreen/GuiSvr/var/xdb admin 1 0 /__/password "glee/aW9bOYEewkD/6Ri8sHh2mU="

10. Open a web browser to https://x.x.x.x:8443 and download the client.

  • Mount ISO Files:
mount /dev/cdrom /mnt/cdrom
  • Enable network interfaces on bootup:
vi /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0

Juniper Space


  • Download the latest ova image(Space-14.1R2.9) from
  • Download the Security Director(14.1R2.6) release compatible with the platform release from
  • Deploy the Space Platform OVA file as usual like any other VM.
  • 8GB RAM is required for the VM.
  • Power on the VM and get into the console. Credentials are admin:abc123. Change the password.
  • Then accept the default installation type Space Platform.
  • Configure the network settings.
  • Now set the GUI IP address and NTP server.
  • Then type the display name. This is used as the fabric node name.
  • Set maintenance password which is used for upgrade and other maintenance operations. It is different than admin password.
  • Once applied the changes, daemons will be restarted and it will take some time to complete.
  • By choosing option 7 and providing admin password, will drop to the Linux shell.
  • Now SSH connection to the Box will be successful.
  • Web user is super and initial default password is juniper123.

Deploying Security DIrector

Now to deploy the security director, Go to Adminitration->Applications->Add Application Then select “Upload via HTTP” and upload the security director image you downloaded. A job will be created and application name (Security Director) will appear in the list after a while. Once it appears, click install Once it finishes,there will be 3 new applications. From the left drop down list, by selecting Security Director you can switch to SD’s screen.

Juniper UAC

Please follow the following steps:

  1. Download DTE or SPE edition for KVM or VMWare from
  2. Unzip the Zip file.
  3. Install VMPlayer.
  4. Select the Open VM option.
  5. Browser the unzipped folder location & select the OVF file.
  6. Start the VM.
  7. Follow on screen instruction to start the UAC.
  8. Open https://x.x.x.x/admin to open the WebUI of the UAC.


DTE: Demonstration and Training Edition
SPE: Service Provider Edition

WAN Emulator

  • Download WANem ISO file from
  • Create a VM with around 640MB RAM.
  • Add 1 or 2 Network Interfaces depending upon your scenario.
  • Mount the ISO in VM.

Scenario 1 - Client and Server in Single Subnet
  • Add a single Network Interface to VM.
  • Boot the machine.
  • Press n for the DHCP prompt.
  • Select eth0 Interface and assign it the IP & Gateway addresses.
  • Run this command on Client
route add mask
  • Run this command on Client
route add mask
Scenario 2 - Client and Server are in different Subnets
  • Run this command on Client
route add mask
  • In WANem console enable NAT on the desired network interface
nat add eth0
  • Confirm NAT by this command
nat show
Managing WANem
  • Access the VM WebUI at

  • There are two modes
Basic mode    - Simple WAN Emulator with Bandwidth and Delay features
Advanced mode - Contains more complicated features like Loss, Jitter, Duplication, Reordering, Corruption, etc
  • Jitter – Real networks show variation in delay.
  • If delay is 100ms and Jitter is set to 10 ms, the delay applied is 100 + 10 ms or 100 – 10 ms in random.
  • Correlation – It is a measure of the dependency of the delay applied on the next packet to that on the previous packet.
  • If a correlation value of 25 % with delay and jitter to be 100ms and 10 ms respectively, the delay applied to the next packet is 100 (+/-) 10 ms depending 25% to that applied to the previous packet.

Persistence in WANem

        This section is under construction.

LiveCD ISO (3.0 beta 2 Hard Disk: 4GB RAM: 384MB CPU: 1 3 interfaces: 1 for mgmt 2 for traffic

boot it

terminal with some IP address information in a table and a WANemControl@PERC> 

exit2shell you will be dropped into a Linux root prompt. Run the 0wn command,

   Click "Accept and Continue" twice to the warnings (these are to stop you destroying an actual pre-existing disk, since this is a dedicated VM we are OK)
   Leave "auto" selected for partitioning, click "OK"
   Click "Yes" when prompted to start automatic partitioning (it will do 1GB of swap, 3GB for the root filesystem)
   Click "Yes" when prompted to use all of /dev/sda
   You will get "Automatic partitioning failed", but it actually succeeds (I believe this is because it gets auto-mounted)
   Leave /dev/sda2 selected and click "OK" when prompted to select a partition

0wn will now copy files to the disk (this will take a while).

   Click "OK" when prompted to install Grub
   Leave "mbr" selected and click "OK", then "Yes" to confirm
   Click "OK" to the success message
   Click "Yes" to reboot the machine (for this one I'll post a screen shot), then hit return to reboot

The VM will reboot, then you will see Grub, and a pretty normal boot process, and once again end up back with a WANemControl@PERC> prompt but no GUI or desktop. You now have a permanent VM! You can work from the shell, or you can issue a startx command

Tiny Core Linux

A Linux VM which will act as a minimal PC for Networking Labs.
An absolute minimum of RAM is 46mb.
A recommended configuration - Pentium 2 or better, 128mb of ram + some swap.
If you want the VM to have IP address temporarily assigned only or want it to use DHCP for IP address, you can directly boot the ISO file in the VM.
But if you want the VM to retain the IP address persistently, then follow the below process.

  • Download the CorePlus(~86 MB)ISO file from
  • Create a new VM with 256MB RAM.
  • Install the OS from the ISO.
  • Boot into the VM.
  • Edit file:
vi /opt/
  • Add following lines:
sleep 5
sudo ifconfig eth0 netmask broadcast
  • Save changes to disk:
sudo -b
  • Reboot

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