BGP: Difference between revisions

356 bytes added ,  5 years ago
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*Routes received from:
Route-ReflectorRR-client is reflected to other clients and non-client neighbors
Non-client neighbors are reflected to Route-Reflector-client neighbors only
*An RR reflecting the route received from a RR-Client adds:
*Sets the '''Originator-ID''' attribute in the reflected update if it is not already set.
*Adds Originator theID Cluster- Router ID toof the Cluster-listoriginator attributeof the route in the reflectedlocal updateAS.
If the update comes back to the originator, it ignores the update.
Cluster List - Router ID of RR. A list of Cluster IDs that an update has traversed.
When a RR sends a route received from a client to a non-client, it appends the local Cluster ID.
If a RR receives a route whose Cluster List contains the local Cluster ID, it ignores the update.
*RR reflects routes considered as best routes only.
*If more than one update is received for the same destination only the BGP best route is reflected.