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* Inode is entry in inode table containing metadata about a regular file and directory.
* Inode is entry in inode table containing metadata about a regular file and directory.
* An inode is a data structure on a traditional Unix-style file system such as ext3 or ext4.
* An inode is a data structure on a traditional Unix-style file system such as ext3 or ext4.
* There are some data about files, such as their size, ownership, permissions, timestamp etc.
* This meta-data about a file is managed with a data structure known as an inode (index node).

* Copy file: cp allocates a free inode number and placing a new entry in inode table.
* Copy file: cp allocates a free inode number and placing a new entry in inode table.
* Move or Rename a file: if destination is same filesystem as the source, Has no impact on inode number, it only changes the time stamps in inode table.
* Move or Rename a file: if destination is same filesystem as the source, Has no impact on inode number, it only changes the time stamps in inode table.