Cheatsheet: Difference between revisions

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--> Application Data(GET)
--> Application Data(GET)
<-- Encrypted Handshake Message(Hello Request)
<-- Encrypted Handshake Message(Hello Request)

;SSL Record Overview

Record Format - Each record consists of a five-byte record header, followed by data.
Version - VH,VL
Length - LH,LL

*Record Type - There are four record types in SSL:
Change Cipher Spec
Application Data

*Version Details:
SSLv2 0x0002
SSLv3 0x0300.
TLSv1 0x0301.

*Record Length - 16-byte value, single record can be up to 65,535 (2^16 -1) bytes in length.

;Types of Records

*Handshake records:
Handshake records are not encrypted.
Handshake record that contains a finished message is always encrypted.
It always occurs after a Change Cipher Spec (CCS) record.

Hello Request (0)
Client Hello (1)
Server Hello (2)
Certificate (11)
Server Key Exchange (12)
Certificate Request (13)
Server Hello Done (14)
Certificate Verify (15)
Client Key Exchange (16)
Finished (20)

Finished Messages are always sent immediately after a Change Cipher Spec message in order to verify that the key exchange and authentication processes were successful.
The Finished message is the first protected packet with the most recently negotiated algorithms, keys, and secrets.
No acknowledgment of the Finished message is required; parties can begin to send encrypted data immediately after they send the Finished message.
Recipients of Finished messages must verify that the contents are correct.

Hello Request

*Change Cipher Spec protocol:
CCS records are used in order to indicate a change in cryptographic ciphers.
Immediately after the CCS record, all data is encrypted with the new cipher.
Sent by both client and server in order to notify the receiving party that subsequent records are protected under the most recently negotiated Cipher Spec and keys.
Might or might not be encrypted; in a simple connection with single handshake, the CCS record is not encrypted.

*Alert Records are used in order to indicate to the peer that a condition has occured.
Some alerts are warnings, while others are fatal and cause the connection to fail.
Alerts might or might not be encrypted, and might occur during a handshake or during data transfer.
There are two types of alerts:
Closure Alerts: The connection must be properly closed in order to avoid any kind of truncation attacks.
A close_notify message indicates to the recipient that the sender will not send anymore messages on that connection.
Error Alerts: When an error is detected, the detecting party sends a message to the other party.
Upon transmission or receipt of a fatal alert message, both parties immediately close the connection.
unexpected_message (fatal)

*Application Data Record
These records contain the actual application data.
These messages are carried by the record layer and are fragmented, compressed, and encrypted, based on the current connection state.

= NetScaler =
= NetScaler =