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Curl command has the following functionality:
<div style="column-count:3;-moz-column-count:3;-webkit-column-count:3">
* Multiple URLs
* Usernames and Passwords support
* IPv6 support
* Retry failed download
* URL globbing/sequences
* Win32 support
* Large file support
* GnuTLS support
* DarwinSSL support
* Schannel support
* Cyassl support
* PolarSSL support
* AxTLS support
* SSL Session ID
* SSL Private Certificate
* netrc support
* Metalink support
* IDN support
* Bandwidth limiting
* Happy eyeballs
* SCP upload/download
* SFTP upload/download
* HTTP Proxy
* HTTP Resume
* HTTP Ranges
* Follow HTTP Redirects
* HTTP Post
* HTTP Post Chunked
* HTTP Put
* Cookie support
* HTTP 1.1
* HTTP 2 (plain text upgrade)
* HTTP persistent connections
* HTTP Digest Auth
* HTTP Negotiate Auth
* HTTP Multipost Part
* HTTP Deflate gzip
* FTP resume
* FTP ranges
* FTP active mode
* FTP upload
* FTP Kerberos
* FTP Connection re-use
= One-Liners =
Save the output of the URL to a file curl -o website.html
* Save the output of the URL to a file
curl -o
curl -o website.html <nowiki> </nowiki> website.html
Save with name same as remote file curl -Oo <nowiki></nowiki>/
curl -O <nowiki></file.zipnowiki> -O>
Download files securely via SSH curl -u user s
* Save with name same as remote file
curl -u username:password
Get HTTP header information curl -IO http
Access an FTP server curl ftp-O --userO usernamehttps:password//
Download a file via FTP curl --user username:password
* Download files securely via SSH
curl -u ftpuser:password -O ftp://ftp_pub/public_html/index.html
Upload a file to the FTP server curl -Tu file.zipuser ftps --user username:passwordpath/to/file
curl -u username:password
curl -u ftpuser:password -T linuxtechi.txt ftp://ftp_pub/public_html/
To upload multiple files to FTP server curl -u ftpuser:password -T "(linuxtechi1.txt linuxtechi2.txt)" ftp://ftp_pub/public_html/
* Get HTTP header information
Deleting files from ftp server curl ftp://ftp_pub/public_html -X 'DELE' --user ftpuser:password
Handle URL redirects curl -LI
Debug level details curl -v
* Access an FTP server
Using proxy to download a file curl -x
curl --user username:password
Limit data transfer rate curl --limit-rate 1024B -O
Download file modified after a given date curl -z 1-Jan-17
* Download a file via FTP
Download file modified before a given date curl -z -1-Jan-17
Resume a download curl -C https --user username:password
curl -u ftpuser:password -O ftp://ftp_pub/public_html/index.html
Verifying SSL certificate curl --cacert new-ca.crt
Ignoring the ssl certificate warning curl -k
* Upload a file to the FTP server
curl -T --user username:password
curl -u ftpuser:password -T linuxtechi.txt ftp://ftp_pub/public_html/
* To upload multiple files to FTP server
curl -u ftpuser:password -T "(linuxtechi1.txt linuxtechi2.txt)" ftp://ftp_pub/public_html/
* Deleting files from ftp server
curl ftp://ftp_pub/public_html -X 'DELE' --user ftpuser:password
* Handle URL redirects
curl -L
* Debug level details
curl -v
* Using proxy to download a file
curl -x
* Limit data transfer rate
curl --limit-rate 1024B -O
* Download file modified after a given date
curl -z 1-Jan-17
* Download file modified before a given date
curl -z -1-Jan-17
* Resume a download
curl -C
* Verifying SSL certificate
curl --cacert new-ca.crt
* Ignoring the ssl certificate warning
curl -k
* Getting information about supported methods
curl -i -X OPTIONS
= Scripts =
* Testing Response Times:
while true; do curl -s -w 'Testing Response Time for :%{url_effective}\n\nLookup Time:\t\t%{time_namelookup}\nConnectTime:\t\t%{time_connect}\nPre-transfer Time:\t%{time_pretransfer}\nStart-transfer Time:\t%{time_starttransfer}\n\nTotal Time:\t\t%{time_total}\n' -o /dev/null ; sleep 10; done
=URL syntax=
Line 112 ⟶ 156:
{| class="wikitable"
Progress Meter -#
Append in FTP/SFTP -a
!Switch !! Descripton/Usage
User-agent -A "Mozilla/4.0"
Tells curl to figure out auth method --anyauth
| -# || Progress Meter
Cookie -b
Cookie-jar(file curl should use to save all cookies) -c
| -a || Append in FTP/SFTP
| -A <agent string> || User-agent eg: "Mozilla/4.0"
| --anyauth || Tells curl to figure out auth method
| -b <name=data> || Cookie ("NAME1=VALUE1; NAME2=VALUE2"). If no (=) then treated as filename<br />
This is only used as input. No cookies will be stored in the file. To store cookies, use -c or -D<br />
| -c <file name> || Cookie-jar(file curl should use to save all cookies)
| -D || Write the protocol headers to the specified file.
| -B || FTP/LDAP - Enable ASCII transfer.
| --ciphers <list of ciphers> || [ List of ciphers] to be used.
| --compressed || Request a compressed response using one of the algorithms curl supports
| --connect-timeout <seconds> || Maximum time in seconds that the connection to the server may take.
| -C <offset> || Continue/Resume a previous file transfer at the given offset.<br />
Use "-C -" to tell curl to automatically find out where/how to resume the transfer.
| --crlfile <file> || (HTTPS/FTPS) Provide a file using PEM format with a Certificate Revocation List that may specify peer certificates that are to be considered revoked.
| -d <file> || HTTP - Sends the specified data in a POST request to the HTTP server, emulate as if a user has filled in an HTML form and pressed the submit button.
| --digest || Enables HTTP Digest authentication.
| -e <URL> || Sends the "Referer Page" information to the HTTP server.
| --engine <name> || Select the OpenSSL crypto engine to use for cipher operations. Use "--engine list" to view list
| --cert <certificate[:password]> || Use the specified client certificate file. Certificate must be in PEM format.<br />
If the optional password isn't specified, it will be prompted.<br />
This assumes that Cert file is private key and private certificate concatenated. use "--cert" and "--key" to specify them independently.
| --cert-type <type> || Tells curl what certificate type the provided certificate is in. PEM, DER and ENG are recognized types. If not specified, PEM is assumed.
| --cacert <CA certificate> || Tells curl to use the specified certificate file to verify the peer.
| -G || This option will make all data specified with -d to be used in a HTTP GET request instead of the POST.
| -H <header> || Extra header to use when getting a web page. You may specify any number of extra headers.
| -i || Include the HTTP-header in the output.
| --interface <name> || Perform an operation using a specified interface, IP address or host name. eg: curl --interface eth0:1
| -I || Fetch the HTTP-header only.
| -j || Discard all "session cookies". Same effect as if a new session is started.
| --config <config file> || Specify which config file to read curl arguments from.
| --limit-rate <speed> || Specify the maximum transfer rate you want curl to use.
| --max-filesize <bytes> || Specify the maximum size (in bytes) of a file to download. If larger file, curl will return with exit code 63.
| --negotiate || primarily meant as a support for Kerberos5 authentication but may be also used along with another authentication methods
| --ntlm || Enables NTLM authentication.
| -o <file> || Write output to file instead of stdout.
| -O || Write output to a local file named like the remote file we get. The file will be saved in the current working directory.
| --proto <protocols> || + Permit this protocol in addition to protocols already permitted.<br />
- Deny this protocol, removing it from the list of protocols already permitted.<br />
= Permit only this protocol <br />
Ex: '''--proto -ftps''' uses the default protocols, but disables ftps<br />
'''--proto -all,https,+http''' only enables http and https<br />
'''--proto =http,https''' also only enables http and https
| --pass <phrase> || (SSL/SSH) Pass phrase for the private key.
| --pubkey <key> || (SSH) Public key file name.
| --retry <num> || If a transient error is returned, it will retry this number of times before giving up. Setting to 0 makes, do not retry (which is the default).
| --retry-delay <seconds> || Make curl sleep this amount of time between each retry
| -s || Silent mode. Don't show progress meter or error messages.
| -S || When used with -s it makes curl show error message if it fails.
| --ssl || Try to use SSL/TLS for the connection. Reverts to a non-secure connection if the server doesn't support SSL/TLS.
| --ssl-reqd || Require SSL/TLS for the connection. Terminates the connection if the server doesn't support SSL/TLS.
| -T <file> || This transfers the specified local file to the remote URL.<br />
curl -T "{file1,file2}"<br />
curl -T "img[1-1000].png"
| --trace <file> || Enables a full trace dump of all incoming and outgoing data
| --trace-ascii <file> || leaves out the hex part and only shows the ASCII part of the dump.
| --trace-time || Prepends a time stamp to each trace or verbose line that curl displays.
| -u <user:password> || Specify user and password to use for server authentication.
| -U <user:password> || Specify user and password to use for proxy authentication.
| --url <URL> || Specify a URL to fetch.
| -v || Makes the fetching more verbose/talkative.
| -w <format> || Defines what to display on stdout after a completed and successful operation.
| -x <[protocol://][user:password@]proxyhost[:port]> || Use the specified HTTP proxy. If the port number is not specified, it is assumed at port 1080.
| -X <command> || Specifies a custom request method to use when communicating with the HTTP server. The specified request will be used instead of the method otherwise used (which defaults to GET)
| -y <nowiki><time></nowiki> || If a download is slower than speed-limit bytes per second during a speed-time period, the download gets aborted.
| -Y <speed> || If a download is slower than this given speed, in bytes per second, for speed-time seconds it gets aborted.
| <nowiki>-z <date expression>|<file></nowiki> || Request a file that has been modified later than the given time and date, or one that has been modified before that time.
| --max-redirs <num> || Set maximum number of redirection-followings allowed.
| -0 || Forces curl to issue its requests using HTTP 1.0 instead of using its internally preferred: HTTP 1.1.
| -1 || Forces curl to use TSL version 1 when negotiating with a remote TLS server.
| -2 || Forces curl to use SSL version 2 when negotiating with a remote SSL server.
| -3 || Forces curl to use SSL version 3 when negotiating with a remote SSL server.
| -4 || Tells libcurl to resolve names to IPv4 addresses only.
| -6 || Tells libcurl to resolve names to IPv6 addresses only.
= Header Modifications =
Basic syntax for spoofing user agent:
curl -A "UserAgentString"
Basic syntax for User Agent Spoofing along with other headers:
curl -A [user-agent] -H [headers] ""
Two methods to spoof USer-Agent:
curl -L -A "Mozilla/5.0"
curl -L -H "user-agent: Mozilla/5.0"
One of the most common situations of different source HTML and CSS are for websites with stripped down mobile versions, you could retrieve iPhone-specific source code with:
curl -A "Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_3 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8J2 Safari/6533.18.5"
Some sites do this with other browsers too. This would be Chrome 12 in Mac OS X 10.6.8:
curl -A "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_6_8) AppleWebKit/534.30 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/12.0.742.112 Safari/534.30"
Other Examples
curl -L -H "Host:" -H "Cache-Control: max-age=0" -H "Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/webp,*/*;q=0.8" -H "User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_10_3) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/44.0.2403.89 Safari/537.36" -H "HTTPS: 1" -H "DNT: 1" -H "Referer:" -H "Accept-Language: en-US,en;q=0.8,en-GB;q=0.6,es;q=0.4" -H "If-Modified-Since: Thu, 23 Jul 2015 20:31:28 GMT" --compressed
curl -L -H "User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_10_3) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/44.0.2403.89 Safari/537.36"
<br />

Latest revision as of 15:25, 23 September 2021

Curl is a tool to transfer data from or to a server, using one of the supported protocols


Curl command has the following functionality:

  • Multiple URLs
  • Usernames and Passwords support
  • IPv6 support
  • Retry failed download
  • URL globbing/sequences
  • Win32 support
  • Large file support
  • GnuTLS support
  • DarwinSSL support
  • Schannel support
  • Cyassl support
  • PolarSSL support
  • AxTLS support
  • SSL Session ID
  • SSL Private Certificate
  • netrc support
  • Metalink support
  • IDN support
  • Bandwidth limiting
  • Happy eyeballs
  • TFTP
  • SCP upload/download
  • SFTP upload/download
  • HTTP Proxy
  • HTTP Resume
  • HTTP Ranges
  • Follow HTTP Redirects
  • HTTP Post
  • HTTP Post Chunked
  • HTTP Put
  • Cookie support
  • HTTP 1.1
  • HTTP 2 (plain text upgrade)
  • HTTP 2 (TLS NPN)
  • HTTP persistent connections
  • HTTP Digest Auth
  • HTTP NTLM Auth
  • HTTP Negotiate Auth
  • HTTP Multipost Part
  • HTTP Deflate gzip
  • FTP resume
  • FTP ranges
  • FTP active mode
  • FTP upload
  • FTP Kerberos
  • FTP Connection re-use


  • Save the output of the URL to a file
curl -o website.html
curl -o
curl > website.html
  • Save with name same as remote file
curl -O
curl -O -O
  • Download files securely via SSH
curl -u user s
curl -u username:password
  • Get HTTP header information
curl -I
  • Access an FTP server
curl --user username:password
  • Download a file via FTP
curl --user username:password
curl -u ftpuser:password -O ftp://ftp_pub/public_html/index.html
  • Upload a file to the FTP server
curl -T --user username:password
curl -u ftpuser:password -T linuxtechi.txt ftp://ftp_pub/public_html/
  • To upload multiple files to FTP server
curl -u ftpuser:password -T "(linuxtechi1.txt linuxtechi2.txt)" ftp://ftp_pub/public_html/
  • Deleting files from ftp server
curl ftp://ftp_pub/public_html -X 'DELE' --user ftpuser:password
  • Handle URL redirects
curl -L
  • Debug level details
curl -v
  • Using proxy to download a file
curl -x
  • Limit data transfer rate
curl --limit-rate 1024B -O
  • Download file modified after a given date
curl -z 1-Jan-17
  • Download file modified before a given date
curl -z -1-Jan-17
  • Resume a download
curl -C
  • Verifying SSL certificate
curl --cacert new-ca.crt
  • Ignoring the ssl certificate warning
curl -k
  • Getting information about supported methods
curl -i -X OPTIONS


  • Testing Response Times:
while true; do curl -s -w 'Testing Response Time for :%{url_effective}\n\nLookup Time:\t\t%{time_namelookup}\nConnectTime:\t\t%{time_connect}\nPre-transfer Time:\t%{time_pretransfer}\nStart-transfer Time:\t%{time_starttransfer}\n\nTotal Time:\t\t%{time_total}\n' -o /dev/null ; sleep 10; done

URL syntax

  • You can specify multiple URLs or parts of URLs by writing part sets within braces as in:
  • You can get sequences of alphanumeric series by using [] as in:[1-100].txt[001-100].txt[a-z].txt
  • Nested sequences are not supported, but you can use several ones next to each other:[1996-1999]/vol[1-4]/part{a,b,c}.html
  • You can specify a step counter for the ranges to get every Nth number or letter:[1-100:10].txt[a-z:2].txt
  • If you specify URL without protocol:// prefix, curl will attempt to guess what protocol you might want.
  • It will then default to HTTP but try other protocols based on often-used host name prefixes.
  • For example, for host names starting with "ftp." curl will assume you want to speak FTP.
  • Curl will attempt to re-use connections for multiple file transfers, so that getting many files from the same server will not do multiple connects / handshakes.
  • This improves speed.
  • Of course this is only done on files specified on a single command line and cannot be used between separate curl invokes.


Switch Descripton/Usage
-# Progress Meter
-a Append in FTP/SFTP
-A <agent string> User-agent eg: "Mozilla/4.0"
--anyauth Tells curl to figure out auth method
-b <name=data> Cookie ("NAME1=VALUE1; NAME2=VALUE2"). If no (=) then treated as filename

This is only used as input. No cookies will be stored in the file. To store cookies, use -c or -D

-c <file name> Cookie-jar(file curl should use to save all cookies)
-D Write the protocol headers to the specified file.
-B FTP/LDAP - Enable ASCII transfer.
--ciphers <list of ciphers> List of ciphers to be used.
--compressed Request a compressed response using one of the algorithms curl supports
--connect-timeout <seconds> Maximum time in seconds that the connection to the server may take.
-C <offset> Continue/Resume a previous file transfer at the given offset.

Use "-C -" to tell curl to automatically find out where/how to resume the transfer.

--crlfile <file> (HTTPS/FTPS) Provide a file using PEM format with a Certificate Revocation List that may specify peer certificates that are to be considered revoked.
-d <file> HTTP - Sends the specified data in a POST request to the HTTP server, emulate as if a user has filled in an HTML form and pressed the submit button.
--digest Enables HTTP Digest authentication.
-e <URL> Sends the "Referer Page" information to the HTTP server.
--engine <name> Select the OpenSSL crypto engine to use for cipher operations. Use "--engine list" to view list
--cert <certificate[:password]> Use the specified client certificate file. Certificate must be in PEM format.

If the optional password isn't specified, it will be prompted.
This assumes that Cert file is private key and private certificate concatenated. use "--cert" and "--key" to specify them independently.

--cert-type <type> Tells curl what certificate type the provided certificate is in. PEM, DER and ENG are recognized types. If not specified, PEM is assumed.
--cacert <CA certificate> Tells curl to use the specified certificate file to verify the peer.
-G This option will make all data specified with -d to be used in a HTTP GET request instead of the POST.
-H <header> Extra header to use when getting a web page. You may specify any number of extra headers.
-i Include the HTTP-header in the output.
--interface <name> Perform an operation using a specified interface, IP address or host name. eg: curl --interface eth0:1
-I Fetch the HTTP-header only.
-j Discard all "session cookies". Same effect as if a new session is started.
--config <config file> Specify which config file to read curl arguments from.
--limit-rate <speed> Specify the maximum transfer rate you want curl to use.
--max-filesize <bytes> Specify the maximum size (in bytes) of a file to download. If larger file, curl will return with exit code 63.
--negotiate primarily meant as a support for Kerberos5 authentication but may be also used along with another authentication methods
--ntlm Enables NTLM authentication.
-o <file> Write output to file instead of stdout.
-O Write output to a local file named like the remote file we get. The file will be saved in the current working directory.
--proto <protocols> + Permit this protocol in addition to protocols already permitted.

- Deny this protocol, removing it from the list of protocols already permitted.
= Permit only this protocol
Ex: --proto -ftps uses the default protocols, but disables ftps
--proto -all,https,+http only enables http and https
--proto =http,https also only enables http and https

--pass <phrase> (SSL/SSH) Pass phrase for the private key.
--pubkey <key> (SSH) Public key file name.
--retry <num> If a transient error is returned, it will retry this number of times before giving up. Setting to 0 makes, do not retry (which is the default).
--retry-delay <seconds> Make curl sleep this amount of time between each retry
-s Silent mode. Don't show progress meter or error messages.
-S When used with -s it makes curl show error message if it fails.
--ssl Try to use SSL/TLS for the connection. Reverts to a non-secure connection if the server doesn't support SSL/TLS.
--ssl-reqd Require SSL/TLS for the connection. Terminates the connection if the server doesn't support SSL/TLS.
-T <file> This transfers the specified local file to the remote URL.

curl -T "{file1,file2}"
curl -T "img[1-1000].png"

--trace <file> Enables a full trace dump of all incoming and outgoing data
--trace-ascii <file> leaves out the hex part and only shows the ASCII part of the dump.
--trace-time Prepends a time stamp to each trace or verbose line that curl displays.
-u <user:password> Specify user and password to use for server authentication.
-U <user:password> Specify user and password to use for proxy authentication.
--url <URL> Specify a URL to fetch.
-v Makes the fetching more verbose/talkative.
-w <format> Defines what to display on stdout after a completed and successful operation.
-x <[protocol://][user:password@]proxyhost[:port]> Use the specified HTTP proxy. If the port number is not specified, it is assumed at port 1080.
-X <command> Specifies a custom request method to use when communicating with the HTTP server. The specified request will be used instead of the method otherwise used (which defaults to GET)
-y <time> If a download is slower than speed-limit bytes per second during a speed-time period, the download gets aborted.
-Y <speed> If a download is slower than this given speed, in bytes per second, for speed-time seconds it gets aborted.
-z <date expression>|<file> Request a file that has been modified later than the given time and date, or one that has been modified before that time.
--max-redirs <num> Set maximum number of redirection-followings allowed.
-0 Forces curl to issue its requests using HTTP 1.0 instead of using its internally preferred: HTTP 1.1.
-1 Forces curl to use TSL version 1 when negotiating with a remote TLS server.
-2 Forces curl to use SSL version 2 when negotiating with a remote SSL server.
-3 Forces curl to use SSL version 3 when negotiating with a remote SSL server.
-4 Tells libcurl to resolve names to IPv4 addresses only.
-6 Tells libcurl to resolve names to IPv6 addresses only.

Header Modifications

Basic syntax for spoofing user agent:

curl -A "UserAgentString"

Basic syntax for User Agent Spoofing along with other headers:

curl -A [user-agent] -H [headers] ""

Two methods to spoof USer-Agent:

curl -L -A "Mozilla/5.0"
curl -L -H "user-agent: Mozilla/5.0"

One of the most common situations of different source HTML and CSS are for websites with stripped down mobile versions, you could retrieve iPhone-specific source code with:

curl -A "Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_3 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8J2 Safari/6533.18.5"

Some sites do this with other browsers too. This would be Chrome 12 in Mac OS X 10.6.8:

curl -A "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_6_8) AppleWebKit/534.30 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/12.0.742.112 Safari/534.30"

Other Examples

curl -L -H "Host:" -H "Cache-Control: max-age=0" -H "Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/webp,*/*;q=0.8" -H "User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_10_3) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/44.0.2403.89 Safari/537.36" -H "HTTPS: 1" -H "DNT: 1" -H "Referer:" -H "Accept-Language: en-US,en;q=0.8,en-GB;q=0.6,es;q=0.4" -H "If-Modified-Since: Thu, 23 Jul 2015 20:31:28 GMT" --compressed
curl -L -H "User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_10_3) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/44.0.2403.89 Safari/537.36"


{{#widget:DISQUS |id=networkm |uniqid=Curl |url= }}