DNS: Difference between revisions

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Specifies the number of resource records in the Additional section of the message.
= Resource Records =
*RR is the unit of information entry in DNS zone files.
*RRs are the basic building blocks of host-name and IP information and are used to resolve all DNS queries.
*Resource records exist as many types to provide extended name-resolution services.
*Different types of RRs have different formats, as they contain different data.
*In general, however, many RRs share a common format, as the following address resource records example illustrates.
*Fields found in an A resource record:
microsoft.com. 600 IN A
microsoft.com denotes the owner.
600 TTL in seconds.
IN Class field represents the protocol family commonly IN for Internet class.
A Type of resource the RR is representing. Resource data or RDATA. This field is a variable type that provides information appropriate for the type of resource; in this case, it's a 32-bit IP address.
The following resource record types are commonly used in DNS:
Start of authority (SOA)
Name server (NS)
Pointer record (PTR)
Address (A)
IPv6 Address (AAAA)
Mail exchange (MX)
Canonical name (CNAME)
Windows Internet Naming Service (WINS)
WINS Reverse Look up (WINSR)
= Zone =