
From Network Security Wiki

AMZN Networking

Round 1

  • BGP Route manupulation
  • Anycast
  • Linux check WSF
  • SSL speed up at LB level:
 Session Ticket
 OSPC Stapling
  • Cookie Uses
  • Google BBR - congestion control algorithm
  • DNS check if reply is spoofed or not?
  • How does DNS client knows when to switch to TCP?
TC Flag

Round 2

  • Experience with diffcult customer
  • Learnt from feedback
  • How to remotely access Windows server?
RDP, VNC (Teamviewer, Webex for PC)
RDP Port no
TCP port 3389 and UDP port 3389
  • Page file
  • Service
  • Service fails, how to check logs? (Event logs viewer)
  • Kernel
  • Inode
  • Check CPU, Memory, HDD info?
  • Check Load Average? What is the output?(1,5,15 min avrg), what does it mean?
  • Check Clients we are connected to? netstat -ant -> Foreign Address
  • ifconfig -a - eth0:1 - What does :1 mean? (vlan)
  • Check file in use by which process? lsof
  • Runlevels
  • Check DNS config? /etc/resolv.conf & interface config
  • Iptables?
  • NAT
  • How does Traceroute works?
  • Request & response headers
curl -v
  • Commands used in daily troubleshooting
1st attempt - 404
2nd attempt - 200
3rd attempt - 404
4th attempt - 200
LB having 2 servers, one is not having app installed, check logs & disable it.

Round 3 - Behavioral

Round 4 - Architecture

  • Explain case you have worked - Voip CB Repro
  • Design a Ecommerse website with full redundancy, explain protocols used:
  - Avi SE scaling, use 3 node cluster for controller
  - Use 2 AZs
  - How DB will sync
  - GSLB usage - geodb Networking
  - how persistence will work
  - Storage redundancy
  - Storage slow, use SSD
  - Pics load slowly in Japan

Round 5 - Linux

  • Boot process in detail
  • What is kernel? How does it communicate with HW/User? System calls
  • Name the various System calls
  • What is initrd ? What it contains/does ? (drivers to load disk,etc)
  • Runlevels
  • Upstart/Systemd
  • What is Swap?
  • How to find swap usage?
  • How to find if a file is moving from RAM to SWAP? iotop(process wise usage) & iostat(part wise usage)
  • How to check processes using most CPU/How to check CPU usage per core?
  • Process States:
   - Stop   (my answers)
   - Start
   - Running
   - Sleeping  ==> Interupptable waiting/ uninterruptable waiting -> Explain each
   - Killed
   - Zombie
  • Type of File systems - FAT32/ExFAT, NTFS, EXT3, EXT4
  • How to use a brand new disk in Linux machine
- Format
- Partition
- Mount
  • What are permissions -> 640?
 6 -> user      - Read/Write
 4 -> group   - Read
 0 -> Others - None
  • How to check Memory usage - top//free -m // cat /proc/meminfo
  - Buffer/Cache field?
  - Swap field?
  • How to troubleshoot if a file stopped coping in between saying no disk space, but disk space is there.
 df -h => check free disk space
 df -i  => Free inodes check
  • What is inode? How can they get full(mail server; large no of empty files)?

Round 6 - Networking

  • Design a website for 500 Employees - use 2 AZs?
  • Troubleshoot a website not reachable?
curl -I,   telnet,    nc,    ping
  • How to check if DNS is working or not?
dig @42.2.2
  • Check packet captures using tcpdump.
  • Explain DNS resolution in Full details.
  • Troubleshooting a slow website:
Top  --> CPU, Memory,  Process usages, Load avg
df -h  --> Disk usage
free -m
cat /proc/meminfo
netstat -ant
cpu ==> 0 "us" user space
top -o %CPU
  • Explain TCP Window? How it can be full
  • OSPF vs BGP? why not use OSPF for Internet instead of BGP?
  • OSPF packet types?
   LSU [LSAa]
  • What is Area 0 in OSPF?
  • BGP Attributes
  • BGP getting more traffic from one ISP than other? How to balance that?
  • What is DDOS attack? How to mitigate it?
Need to know about the type of attack
Syn Flood attack can be mitigate by using Syn-Cookie
  • What is Syn-Cookie used for?

Round 7

  • Repro Attempt
  • Something not done within committed time
  • Something done differently from a colleague
  • Something you have done apart from regular work
  • Tough Feedback received; What you did about it.


1st Round Online Challenge
Telephonic Round
Tell me something where you did something extra during a case/your job
Tell me something where you learned something during a case/your job
Where do you store your code(Github)? How can some one other edit code?
How DNS works? Explain in detail.
DNS traffic Flow? Search local cache > hosts file > DNS server
What is VoIP? How SIP works?
  Srv3 is slow, latency, how to troubleshoot? top, free -h, df -h
  How to check traffic requests coming per second? netstat -s, ss -s, tcpdump




  • OOM Killer
  • Page Fault
A page fault (sometimes called #PF, PF or hard fault) is a type of exception raised by computer hardware when a running program accesses a memory page that is not currently mapped by the memory management unit (MMU) into the virtual address space of a process.
  • Swap Memory
  • DNS Rate Limiting Troubleshoot
Create Static entry
Increase Cache Time
  • DNS latency in Server or Network Troubleshoot:
Check RTT for other traffic & DNS Specific traffic.
  • Print below logs:
startTime : 12332121324
endTime : 21342313222
serviceName : abc
status : 200
startTime : 12332121324
endTime : 21342313222
serviceName : abc
status : 200
startTime : 12332121324
endTime : 21342313222
serviceName : abc
status : 200
startTime : 12332121324
endTime : 21342313222
serviceName : abc
status : 200
startTime : 12332121324
endTime : 21342313222
serviceName : abc
status : 200
  • My Solution:


for i in l:
if ":" in i:

for i in range(len(a)):


for i in b:

for i in range(len(a)):
if "startTime " in a[i]:
print('\n', end="")