Talk:Ansible: Difference between revisions

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* Playbooks do not change anything if the host is already in desired state.
* Avoid modules like command, shell & raw as they are not idempotent by nature.
== Task Attribute ==
* Most important Attribute is Task attribute:
- name: run service
service: name=vsftpd enabled=true
* Here '-' marks beginning of a list of attributes.
* If multiple tasks are defined, each first attribute of task starts with '-'.
== Other Attributes ==
name: specify a specific label to play
hosts: uses patterns to define on which hosts to run a play
remote_user: overwrites the remote_user setting in ansible.cfg
become: overwrites the become setting in ansible.cfg
become_method: overwrites the become_method setting in ansible.cfg
become_user: overwrites the become_user setting in ansible.cfg