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Search for keywords in the text files created along with traces:
for i in `find . -type f | egrep ".txt"`; do echo $i; cat $i ; echo -e "\n"; done | grep smb2.lock
== More Filters ==
;Filter traffic in time range:
*Show traffic from 10:27 to 10:29
tshark -r nstrace1.cap -t ud | egrep -E '2017-07-25 10:2[7-9].'
*Show traffic from 10:27 to 10:29
{{notice|This filter is not tested successfully yet.}}
tshark -r nstrace1.cap -t ud '(frame.time >= "July 25, 2017 10:26:00.0") && (frame.time == "July 25, 2017 10:30:00.0")'
;Decode SSL encrypted Traffic:
{{notice|This filter is not tested successfully yet.}}
tshark -r nstrace1.cap -t ud | egrep -E '2017-07-25 10:2[7-9].' -o ssl.keys_list:"","443","http","/home/aman/Downloads/NSTrace/nstrace.sslkeys"
= Misc =
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