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= Reboot Netscaler via APIs =
{{notice|This script is under construction.}}
*Needs Authentication alerts
*Needs NS Parameters to be set globally
*Needs to confirm API execution via HTTP Status Codes
import subprocess as sub
import time
# Netscaler Parameters
host = ''
#username = 'nsroot'
#passwd = 'pwd@123'
# Boolean true means Warm reboot, else false
#boolean = 'true'
#i = 1
uptime1 = sub.Popen(('curl', '-s', '-k', '-X', 'GET', '-H', 'Content-Type:application/json', '--basic', '--user', 'nsroot:pwd@123', '$
output1, err = uptime1.communicate()
print output1
sub.Popen(('curl', '-s', '-k', '-X', 'POST', '-H', 'Content-Type:application/vnd.com.citrix.netscaler.reboot+json', '--basic', '--user', 'nsroot:pwd@123', '-d', '{"reboot":{"warm":true}$
uptime2 = sub.Popen(('curl', '-s', '-k', '-X', 'GET', '-H', 'Content-Type:application/json', '--basic', '--user', 'nsroot:pwd@123', '$
output2, err = uptime2.communicate()
print output2
if (output1 == output2):
print "Reboot unsuccessful"
print "Reboot successful."
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