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Cheatsheet: Difference between revisions

Line 1,124:
curl -I http://domain.com Get HTTP header information
curl -i http://domain.com Get HTTP header + Body information
curl -L http://domain.com Handle URL redirects
curl -v http://domain.com Debug level details
Line 1,138 ⟶ 1,139:
curl -v -X OPTIONS https://site3.lab.com
curl -v -X TRACE https://site3.lab.com
curl --sslv2 https://yoururl.com
curl --tlsv1 https://yoururl.com
curl -H 'X-My-Custom-Header: 123' https://httpbin.org/get Using httpbin tool; shows header info
curl -e google.com yoururl.com Referrer
curl --data "name=bool&last=word" https://httpbin.org/post Post data
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