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= Topics =
Web technologies - HTML, CSS, HTTP/SSL, DNS, How does internet work, How do browsers work, APIs, Authentication, Cookies, Email, Architecture of the web, How to optimize web applications
'''Web technologies - HTML, CSS'''
Databases - Basic SQL and relational database
Distributes system
Infrastructure and system administration: Shell scripting, logging, initalization, software packaging and distribution.
Kernel, libraries, system calls, memory management, permissions, file systems for Linux/Unix or Windows.
Container technologies like Kubernetes and Docker.
Networking: TCP/IP, UDP, ICMP, IP packets, DNS, OSI layers, load balancing, static routing, BGP, OSPF in Linux/UNIX.
Big Data and Machine Learning: Relational and non-relational databases
Big Data analytics and frameworks like MapReduce, Hadoop and Spark.
Machine learning/artificial intelligence, like TensorFlow.
*Web tech
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