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*BW/Delay product BDP
*QoS, Filtering, Routing, ISP issues
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;Bandwidth Delay Product
Amount of data that can be in transit (flight) in the network
Bandwidth-delay product is the product of a data link's capacity (in bits per second) and its round-trip delay time (in seconds).
Includes data in queues if they contributed to the delay
The result data is equivalent to the maximum amount of data on the network circuit at any given time, Or data that has been transmitted but not yet acknowledged.
BDP (bytes) = total_available_bandwidth (bps) x round_trip_time (sec) / 8
A network with a large bandwidth-delay product is commonly known as a Long Fat Network(LFN).
A network is considered an LFN if its bandwidth-delay product is significantly larger than 105 bits (12,500 bytes).
;BIC TCP (Binary Increase Congestion control)
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